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  • info@laclima.org

    Our Mission

    Solving the climate crisis through a legal lens

    LACLIMA is a network of legal experts dedicated to the development of climate change law in Latin America.

    We started our activities on September 7, 2019, with a pilot project in Brazil, which will be expanded to other countries in Latin America.

    Currently we are hundreds of lawyers and law students across Brazil gathered by the common purpose of studying, developing and sharing knowledge of climate change law for Brazilian society.

    Our goal is to establish a critical body of legal experts in climate change law, who can disseminate knowledge and support the development of legal frameworks that can enable a decarbonized economy a more climate resilient society to tackle the climate crisis in Latin America.

    We wish to make our combined experience, knowledge and diverse legal perspectives at the service of Brazilian stakeholders and civil society and all of those who want to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Latin America.

    Action Areas

    LACLIMA works on 4 action areas: Capacity Building, Research & Development, Awareness and Advocacy.

    Within the Capacity Building area, LACLIMA promotes workshops, training courses and webinars, including in partnership with educational institutions, think tanks and other relevant organizations.

    Under the Research & Development area, six Technical Groups were created, with about 120 members, each covering the following themes: Litigation, Agriculture, Climate Justice and Human Mobility, Carbon Markets, Climate Finance and International Climate Regime. Each of these groups produces practical legal content relevant to the development of climate change law in Brazil. With the support of its members and the technical groups, and in partnership with other institutions, LACLIMA prepares technical notes with legal opinions on various topics related to climate change law.

    Furthermore, through its social networks and with the support of its members, LACLIMA has been developing and sharing educational content for the general public, with basic notions on the international and national regime of climate governance as well as climate management tools from the private sector perspective.

    Finally, LACLIMA also works in connection with relevant stakeholders in contributing with the development of Brazil’s climate policy, especially in the legislative field, in a manner consistent with the implementation of the UN Paris Agreement. In this context, at the end of 2019, LACLIMA participated in the process for review of the National Policy on Climate Change, promoted by the Federal Senate Environment Commission, and presented a submission with detailed considerations, and also has been participating in discussions on other bills of law related to the climate agenda in Brazil. In the early 2021, LACLIMA also contributed with specific considerations on how listed companies in Brazil can disclose climate-related risks in their Formulário de Referência, a mandatory document to be made available for investors pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission in Brazil (CVM).


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